Product Dependencies

The following products are required to build and run Athanor-Server, and to potentially help you contribute to the project. They are basically the tools required to run an SBT application. Other dependencies are also specified in build.sbt and will be automatically downloaded during the first build.

Many of the tools/products will be downloaded during the build as build.sbt dependencies or indirectly by other products. Perhaps you want to start with cloning and building Athanor-Server, then refer to the list in this section in response to errors to see what you might be missing.

  1. Git

    You will need the Git source control command line tools and/or a Git gui interface if you want to clone and contribute to the project, otherwise you can just download a zip of the source code.

    The git tools are available either through your software installation tool such as Synaptic or from the Git website.

  2. sbt

    sbt will build the project and download much of the needed software for us, but if it is not on our system already, we need to download it first. Even if sbt is already installed, we may need to use a different level of sbt to do the build.

    Once you downloaded the code, position in the ~/athanor-server directory, and issue the following command :

    sbt about

    in the ~/athanor-server directory. You should get the following output :

    [info] Set current project to athanorserver (in build file:~/athanor-server/) [info] This is sbt 0.13.15 [info] The current project is built against Scala 2.12.2

    If the sbt version is different from than 0.13.15, wait until the first compile is done, and issue the check again as the sbt build should download the correct version for you. If not, download the the 0.13.15 version that is used in the project from the sbt website

  3. Scala

    The Scala compiler version used to compile the code is 2.12.2. This should match the run-time Scala version as Scala run-time is not backward compatible. This should be taken care of by the build.sbt file on the first compile.

    You can check the scala version used in the compile in the output of the sbt about command.

    You can also see the version of scala installed on your system by issuing:

    scala -version
  4. Java SE Development Kit (JDK) and Java run-time (JRE)

    Check that you have an up to date version of the JRE. It should be at least 1.8 (The build is tested using 1.8), otherwise you have to update the Java run time on your machine.


    java -version

    The JDK is also needed to compile java files in the project, and should also be at the 1.8 level. Issue :

    javac -version

    If the JDK or JRE are missing or at an older level, the 1.8 level can be downloaded from Oracle.

    Installing the JDK should take care of installing the JRE also.

    You should provide enough memory for the JDK and JRE to build and run this project. The following values are suggested :
